Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Earthworm(blog 1)

You might think that all worms are the same but, they're not. The three types of worms are flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms. Each one of these worms are different from one another and one difference is where they live. The flatworms live in ponds and the roundworms live in water or on land. Also, the segmented worms live in fresh water, salty oceans or in soil. Not only living in these habitats makes the worms different, but, each one also belongs to its own Phylum. Due to their unalike body appearance, the flatworms belong to the phylum Platyhelmenthes, the roundworms belong to the phylum Nematoda, and the segmented worm belongs to the phylum Annelida. While learning about the worm anatomy, I found it pretty amusing that there are more than just one type of worm and that worms don't only live in the soil in our backyards.

resources: class notes and hyperlink